Sunday, 12 December 2010

2 minute film opening

There are two stories running at the same time between which the camera will cut. The main focus will be on the second shot, yet the most action will be included in the first, as this particular scene happens to be a relatively high paced fight scene.
The first scene is the general fracas in which our man is killed
We see the House being trashed, pictures falling off walls, doors banging, crockery smashing and such like, as the main fight will take place in the kitchen. There will be a deliberately wide angle shot that shows the setting in the house/ apartment to which we will go back to later on in the opening to show the same scene, but highlight the differences between the then present, and the now present.

The other scene entails a slow paced journey in the back of a taxi for a woman going home. There is a highlighted lack of dialogue, with all responses to an over chatty cab driver being in facial expressions from woman, her lack of engagement for all to see. One particular shot we wish to use is a mirror shot, where the cabbie looks back whilst/or doing/does a hand gesture of sorts, only for the woman reading a document of some sorts to do with work.
These 2 shots cut to and fro regularly and this can be seen by looking at our storyboard, for we have shown this by way of images.

She has clear dislike for this particular cab, and gets out asap, with all music immediately stopping, and giving way to the eerie sounds of street. She slowly walks up to her front door, noticing that the door is double locked, this surprise shown by her initial instinct of just walking up to the door and opening it with one key. Once she is inside there is no music, just diegetic sound showing what she is doing.  night/day?

She comes home and the house is completely normal but for a fallen plant which she picks up and tidies, thinking little of it. She then proceeds to go into the kitchen and there is a note explaining the absence that was shown by the complications with the lock. The note will say “be back soon” or something equally as vague. The note is positioned next to a general assortment of household nicknacks but there is a mock police badge located here that is clears to the audience. She then turns on the kettle, and proceeds in her normal home life: pottering around, watching television while putting away the dishes.
Suddenly there is a knock on the door and it’s the police, and with reference back to scene 1, We see the cop is the killer. Yet the strange thing is, the woman and him know each other and seem quite close (possibly through the husband’s work) we can see this closeness by the way they great each other.

He tells her there’s been an accident

They go through to the kitchen, her looking and acting emotionally weaker and unstable, and this is where we see same shot as before during the fight, but this time the surroundings being a clean, spotless hallway.
In the hallway, he straightens a picture on which the camera focuses; it is of a wedding or party, in which both killer and victim in the same photo but this time as close friends.

End of 2 minutes.

Audience Profile

Our target audience would be the 15-26 year old market. As this is a thriller it is possible that the audience would be more male than female because of the action side to the opening, however the protagonist is female so this may open up the market to female audience.
Our niche audience would be British males. There is a cult following to British thrillers such as Football Factory and Layer cake. We hope to break in to this market as our film fits into this genre, but also people who like a film that has an action side to it, who like to see the bad guys get caught would also like this film. 
The film is quite violent so it would have to be rated as a 15. To reduce this violence in order to make it a 12A may put the integrity and grit of the film at risk. It’s better to make a good film that is limited in audience by age than to make a film of worse quality that is open to everyone.

Possible actors to inspire characters for film opening


Ray Winston has the grit required to play a corrupt police officer and would therefore be a good choice to play the villain of our film.


Clive Owen would also make a convincing corrupt police officer. he has made jthe journey from small British films to large American ones. He is an actor that sells the film himself; people who see that clive own is in a film will assume that the film is a good one and worth watching.
He regularly performs in action films such as The International and the Bourne Identity, as well as cleverer, less vilolent and action filled films such as Children of Men.


Gemma Arterton would be good to play the leading role as she has the right look. She also played the main role in ‘the disappearance of Alice creed’ a film of similar genre.
She is a very versatile actress who has been involved in Hollywood action films such as Clash of the Titans, and smaller British Films, e.g. St Trinians and The Dissapearance of Alice Creed.


 Jamie Bell would be good as the younger non corrupt police officer who is supposedly murdered in the first scene as he looks the part; and has done action films before such as Shifter.



Saturday, 11 December 2010

Film Proposal

  • I want my five minute film opening to show the main character discovering a tragedy that has already happened that the main character then, unintentionally, becomes a part of. My main character is going to be a woman who returns home and discovers her husband killed violently, and seeking revenge, enlists the help of her brother in law, who she knows is part of the business that her ex lover was also a part of, all the time learning about the tragedy; how it happened, who and what were involved and how she must get revenge. After the opening, the film would carry on with action, as they don’t sleep until they find the assailant or party that have committed the crime.

·        The opening will consist of a very short set of cuts at high speed, for about a minute, switching between two stories, one featuring a calm journey of someone, probably a lady, going home in the back of a taxi cab, listening to the radio playing upbeat tunes but muffled, and the camera solely fixed on the face of the person in the back. The other shot is a complete contrast, shown in flashback style, but something that is happening at the moment, to the complete ignorance of the person we have just seen, a shot of violence and fast paced action, much like the beginning of Casino Royale, but at a faster pace. In this shot, there is an attack happening, two masked men beating a man, in about mid-late thirties. The attack gets so violent that they end up killing him. In this shot we see the room in which he is to be very messed up, supposedly because of the struggle. We see him left on the floor, as the two assailants run out of shot.
  These two shots go back and forth for about another 30 seconds and at the end of the sequence of interchanging shots, the shot stays in the car. The person has a visual change of expression and goes from happy to a sense of unease, showing the possibility that these two people are connected. The cab then drops the person at the base of a flight of stairs leading to a front door, its night time, and raining lightly. She slowly walks up the stairs to the front door, as everything is dark inside. She puts her key in the lock and opens the door, calling ‘hello…? [Name]?’ She proceeds to enter the house, walking very slowly. She feels around for a light switch in the dark and flicks it on. She sees the signs of disarray and follows where it apparently leads to, to find the body on the floor. She drops to her knees, still in her outdoor clothing, and kneels by his side. From here the camera zooms out, showing the scene.
For my opening scene in the taxi, I have taken a few ideas from the film Collateral. The shots of the back of the taxi, the lighting of it and the chats of the driver- passenger. I want the lighting to be dim, and have a slight green tinge to it, as can be seen from the effect of orange street lamps on the inside of a car. The blurred buildings and cars that go past are there to give the audience a sense of ignorance and mystery. I want the character to be slightly huddled up in the corner, looking cold, slightly out of their comfort zone, keeping their belongings about them, just wanting to get home, unaware of the tragedy that has happened. Yet there be a visual sense of uneasiness when the end of the other scene is played. The main noise I want to be heard is the sound of reggae or jazz, and the sound of the cab driver talking non stop, but all this diegetic sound to be muffled, and the non diegetic sound to be light classical music. As she finishes her journey I want her to walk up a staircase to her front door like the one in this image, and this scene to have a slightly higher level of lighting, as there would be street lights constantly shining on her. The eeriness of her opening the front door should be amplified by the blackness of the inside of the house. And this can also be seen on the anxiety in the face of the main woman.

My opening scene that includes the fight is going to be set in a bedroom, with a large double bed that has messy sheets on it, and the whole room is messy too. It is going to be a dimly lit room and there is going to be a black and white feel to the image so that it is made even more unclear who the assailants are but the picture will be clear enough to see what’s happening. The sound of the taxi will stop and we hear the cries of the man and the sound of objects crashing to the ground and the sound of punches hitting.

When the lady comes home the inside of the house must be dark. She will then shuffle around in the dark looking for a light switch, and this may have to be reliant on sound. When she flicks on the light I want it to be quite harsh, bright enough to show the surroundings but not too bright to give away the story. She then progresses through the house, following a rough trail of debris and destroyed home till she finds herself in the bedroom. She walks round the bed and sees the body lying there. She drops her bag and falls to her knees shaking him. The camera starts to zoom out from a high angle shot and as she lifts her head, the title credits will appear on screen. The overall feel of my film seems to be the style of the American thriller, not at all the low-budget British thriller.